ABOUT US The history of our Dutch based printing & manufacturing company Phoenext dates back to the early 1950’s. In the early 1950’s Phoenext started as a small company, named Phoenix, in the center of Amsterdam. This proved to be more profitable than pressing books and leaflets. By adding a unique range of small flags, pennants, banners and sashes which were rarely available elsewhere, our valued reputation, excellent Customer Care and Service, the business flourished. In 1975 a takeover took place and the company moved to the east of the Netherlands. Growth and specialization were the magic words, and with that as a major emphasis, Phoenix chose Oldenzaal as the base for the company, because of the easy access to the rest of Europe. Moving into the 21st century Phoenext (a new name which related to the ‘next’ step in the developments) had grown into a completely selfsupporting production unit. A unique specialist, who through the years had introduced a wide range of products. The latest printing techniques are incorporated, whereby Full Colour Sublimation on almost any particular type of textile, can be achieved. We would like to lead you through our world to demonstrate what we are capable of. Production on Demand ( POD ) is what Phoenext does and where Phoenext stands out from the rest. A highly modernized company with an optimum of communication, creates a profitable platform for our clients and re-seller’s network. Join us, or come and see for yourselves what POD by Phoenext can do for you! PRODUCTS

Please select your color of choice

Sport & Leisure

Home & Garden

Bibs & Vests

Promotion & Merchandise

Flags & Banners



Even when you’re looking for ( textile ) products which cannot immediately be found on this website, Phoenext can still be of service. Custom made is our ‘middle name’ so to say. We stand out from the rest with our Production On Demand ( POD ) activities. This creates the liberty for you, but more important, for your clients to have the products made to full client specs with both the quality and printing as well as the quantity. If you need to know more about these important options please contact us.

FILM Watch our corporate film here Owner Jacob Lameijer offers you a small glimpse into Phoenext's way of working and the production proces .
CONTACT This website gives a summarized indication of what we make, how we make it and what’s furthermore possible. However, if you are in need for more specific information or a quotation outside the range of options we have shown on the site, please fill out this contactform and let us surprise you even more. Looking forward to greeting you.



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Phoenext BV


Textielstraat 26a

7575 CA Oldenzaal

The Netherlands

+31 541 52 10 20

© 2020 phoenext b.v. nederland

site by Studio Biekmann